As you age, your teeth can suffer from decay and your veneers may begin to separate from the tooth. The materials used for veneers can last up to 20 years, but the way they are treated and cared for can reduce this time. If you don't follow the dentist's advice, you can reduce the time you spend with your beautiful new veneers. If you bite hard objects or use your teeth to cut tape, crack things, or open packages, your veneers will be damaged and chipped or cracked very soon.
Porcelain veneers are a great way to get the exact smile you want; they are customizable, durable, and can treat a variety of problems. However, if your natural teeth deteriorate under the veneers over time, dental veneers could detach from the tooth surface. To effectively place porcelain veneers and achieve a beautiful, natural smile, part of the tooth surface must be reduced as part of the tooth preparation process. Composite veneers are more opaque than porcelain veneers, which can result in a less natural looking smile.
Veneers offer an additional level of protection against decay and also help preserve the structure of your teeth. If you neglect your dental care routine, your gums may start to recede and create a space between your teeth and veneers. This creates a color difference between the veneers and the root that is exposed under the gum tissue. The average life span of veneers is usually 10 years.